249. |
Magneto-oncology: a radical pair primer
248. |
Spin control of hybrid quantum-dot-based radical pairs
247. |
Spin dynamics of radical pairs using the stochastic Schrödinger equation in MolSpin
246. |
Orientation of birds in radiofrequency fields in the absence of the Earth's magnetic field - a possible test for the radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception
245. |
Proteins as nanomagnets and magnetoreceptors
244. |
Spin chemistry in living systems
243. |
Bassetto et al. Reply to Comments on No evidence for magnetic field effects on the behaviour of Drosophila
242. |
Conditions for EPR detection of chirality-induced spin selectivity in spin-polarized radical pairs in isotropic solution
241. |
Singlet-triplet dephasing in radical pairs in avian cryptochromes leads to time-dependent magnetic field effects
240. |
No evidence for magnetic field effects on the behaviour of Drosophila
239. |
Dimerisation of European robin cryptochrome 4a
238. |
Upper bound for broadband radiofrequency field disruption of magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds
237. |
Modeling spin relaxation in complex radical systems using MolSpin
236. |
Isotope substitution effects on the magnetic compass properties of cryptochrome-based radical pairs: a computational study
235. |
Magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions: estimation of B1/2 for flavin-tryptophan radical pairs in cryptochromes |
234. |
Effects of dynamical degrees of freedom on magnetic compass sensitivity: a comparison of plant and avian cryptochromes |
233. |
The quantum nature of bird migration |
232. |
Broadband radiofrequency fields from 75 to 85 MHz disrupt magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds consistent with a flavin-based radical pair magnetoreceptor |
231. |
Radical quantum oscillations |
230. |
Cryptochrome magnetoreception: four tryptophans could be better than three |
229. |
Navigation of migratory songbirds: a quantum magnetic compass sensor |
228. |
Magnetic sensitivity of cryptochrome 4 from a migratory songbird |
227. |
Amplification of weak magnetic field effects on oscillating reactions |
226. |
Chiral-induced spin selectivity in the formation and recombination of radical pairs: cryptochrome magnetoreception and EPR detection |
225. |
Angular precision of radical pair compass magnetoreceptors |
224. |
Nuclear polarization effects in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception |
223. |
Cryptochrome 1a localisation in light- and dark-adapted retinae of several migratory and non-migratory bird species: no signs of light-dependent activation |
222. |
Source of magnetic field effects on the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 |
221. |
Spin Chemistry |
220. |
Quantum coherence in complex environments: general discussion |
219. |
How quantum is radical pair magnetoreception? |
218. |
Electromagnetic 0.1-100 kHz noise does not disrupt orientation in a night-migrating songbird implying a spin-coherence lifetime of less than 10 μs |
217. |
Viability of superoxide-containing radical pairs as magnetoreceptors |
216. |
Navigating at night: fundamental limits on the sensitivity of radical pair magnetoreception under dim light |
215. |
Chemical and structural analysis of a photoactive vertebrate cryptochrome from pigeon |
214. |
Chemical compass behaviour at microtesla magnetic fields strengthens the radical pair hypothesis of avian magnetoreception |
213. |
Ultrafast flavin/tryptophan radical pair kinetics in a magnetically sensitive artificial protein |
212. |
Upper bound on the biological effects of 50/60 Hz magnetic fields mediated by radical pairs |
211. |
Proposal to use superparamagnetic nanoparticles to test the role of cryptochrome in magnetoreception |
210. |
Posner qubits: spin dynamics of entangled Ca9(PO4)6 molecules and their role in neural processing |
209. |
Magnetically sensitive radical photochemistry of non-natural flavoproteins |
208. |
Magnetocarcinogenesis: is there a mechanism for carcinogenic effects of weak magnetic fields? |
207. |
A DNA-based magnetic sensor |
206. |
Ascorbic acid may not be involved in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception |
205. |
A light-dependent magnetoreception mechanism insensitive to light intensity and polarization |
204. |
Disruption of magnetic compass orientation in migratory birds by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields |
203. |
The sensitivity of a radical pair compass magnetoreceptor can be significantly amplified by radical scavengers |
202. |
Millitesla magnetic field effects on the photocycle of an animal cryptochrome |
201. |
Engineering an artificial flavoprotein magnetosensor |
200. |
Floquet theory of radical pairs in radiofrequency magnetic fields |
199. |
Sub-millitesla magnetic field effects on the recombination reaction of flavin and ascorbic acid radicals |
198. |
Spin relaxation of radicals in cryptochrome and its role in avian magnetoreception |
197. |
Electron spin relaxation can enhance the performance of a cryptochrome-based magnetic compass sensor |
196. |
Magnetoelectroluminescence in organic light emitting diodes |
195. |
The radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception |
194. |
Electron spin relaxation in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception |
193. |
Weak broadband electromagnetic fields are more disruptive to magnetic compass orientation in a night-migratory songbird (Erithacus rubecula) than strong narrow-band fields |
192. |
The quantum needle of the avian magnetic compass |
191. |
Chemical amplification of magnetic field effects relevant to avian magnetoreception |
190. |
Sensitive fluorescence-based detection of magnetic field effects in photoreactions of flavins |
189. |
Fluorescence-detected magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions from femtolitre volumes |
188. |
Probing a chemical compass: novel variants of low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance |
187. |
A chemical compass for bird navigation |
186. |
Asymmetric recombination and electron spin relaxation in the semiclassical theory of radical pair reactions |
185. |
Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird |
184. |
Broadband cavity-enhanced detection of magnetic field effects in chemical models of a cryptochrome magnetoreceptor |
183. |
Alternative radical pairs for cryptochrome-based magnetoreception |
182. |
Spin-selective recombination reactions of radical pairs: experimental test of validity of reaction operators |
181. |
An improved semiclassical theory of radical pair recombination reactions |
180. |
Spin-locking in low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance |
179. |
A radical sense of direction: signalling and mechanism in cryptochrome magnetoreception |
178. |
Entanglement and sources of magnetic anisotropy in radical pair-based avian magnetoreceptors |
177. |
Compass magnetoreception in birds arising from photo-induced radical pairs in rotationally disordered cryptochromes |
176. |
The magnetic retina: light-dependent and trigeminal magnetoreception in migratory birds |
175. |
Magnetically sensitive light-induced reactions in cryptochrome are consistent with its proposed role as a magnetoreceptor |
174. |
Are biochemical reactions affected by weak magnetic fields? |
173. |
Following radical pair reactions in solution: a step change in sensitivity using cavity ring-down detection |
172. |
Multiple decoherence-free states in multi-spin systems |
171. |
Spin-selective recombination kinetics of a model chemical magnetoreceptor |
170. |
Reply to Comment on "Spin-selective reactions of radical pairs act as quantum measurements" |
169. |
Reaction operators for spin-selective chemical reactions of radical pairs |
168. |
Spinach - a software library for simulation of spin dynamics in large spin systems |
167. |
Solid-state photo-CIDNP effect observed in phototropin LOV1-C57S by 13C magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy |
166. |
Lipoprotein complex of equine lysozyme with oleic acid (ELOA) interactions with the plasma membrane of live cells |
165. |
Strategies for state space restriction in densely coupled spin systems with applications to spin chemistry |
164. |
Spin-selective reactions of radical pairs act as quantum measurements |
163. |
Effects of disorder and motion in a radical pair magnetoreceptor |
162. |
Temperature and urea induced denaturation of the TRP-cage mini protein TC5b: a simulation study consistent with experimental observations |
161. |
Possible involvement of superoxide and dioxygen with cryptochrome in avian magnetoreception: origin of Zeeman resonances observed by in vivo EPR spectroscopy |
160. |
Exploring photo-reactions between polyazaaromatic Ru(II) complexes and biomolecules by chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization measurements |
159. |
Radiofrequency field polarization effects in low-field electron paramagnetic resonance |
158. |
Radiofrequency field polarization effects in zero-field electron paramagnetic resonance |
157. |
Evaluation of nuclear quadrupole interactions as a source of magnetic anisotropy in the radical pair model of the avian magnetic compass |
156. |
Refolding of ribonuclease A monitored by real-time photo-CIDNP NMR spectroscopy |
155. |
Magnetic compass of birds is based on a molecule with optimal directional sensitivity |
154. |
Effect of magnetic fields on cryptochrome-dependent responses in Arabidopsis thaliana |
153. |
Chemical magnetoreception in birds: a radical pair mechanism |
152. |
Magnetic field effect on the photoactivation reaction of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase |
151. |
Inter-oligomer interactions of the human prion protein are modulated by the polymorphism at codon 129 |
150. |
Chemical compass model of avian magnetoreception |
149. |
Conformational pH dependence of intermediate states during oligomerization of the human prion protein |
148. |
Role of exchange and dipolar interactions in the radical pair model of the avian magnetic compass |
147. |
Chemical magnetoreception: bird cryptochrome 1a is excited by blue light and forms long-lived radical-pairs |
146. |
Polynomially scaling spin dynamics simulation algorithm based on adaptive state-space restriction |
145. |
1H and 13C hyperfine coupling constants of the tryptophanyl cation radical in aqueous solution from microsecond time-resolved CIDNP |
144. |
Spin relaxation effects in photo-CIDNP spectroscopy of nuclei with strongly anisotropic hyperfine couplings |
143. |
Determination of radical re-encounter probability distributions from magnetic field effects on reaction yields |
142. |
A pre-existing hydrophobic collapse in the unfolded state of an ultrafast folding protein |
141. |
Oligomerization of the human prion protein proceeds via a molten globule intermediate |
132. |
Intramolecular electron transfer in lysozyme studied by time-resolved CIDNP |
131. |
Photo-CIDNP experiments with an optimized presaturation pulse train, gated continuous illumination, and a background-nulling pulse grid. |
130. |
Increasing the sensitivity of time-resolved photo-CIDNP experiments by multiple laser flashes and temporary storage in the rotating frame |
129. |
Design and performance of a microsecond time-resolved photo-CIDNP add-on for a high-field NMR spectrometer |
128. |
Photo-CIDNP NMR spectroscopy of a heme-containing protein |
127. |
Multiple subsets of side-chain packing in partially folded states of α-lactalbumins |
126. |
Low-field optically detected EPR spectroscopy of transient photoinduced radical pairs |
125. |
Time-resolved CIDNP study of non-native states of bovine and human α-lactalbumins |
124. |
Influence of dipolar interactions on radical pair recombination reactions subject to weak magnetic fields |
123. |
Bidirectional electron transfer in Photosystem I: determination of two distances between P700+ and A1− in spin-correlated radical pairs |
122. |
Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system |
121. |
Sources and interaction mechanisms. Rapporteur's report. ICNIRP/WHO International Workshop, Effects of static magnetic fields relevant to human health. |
120. |
Time-resolved CIDNP study of native-state bovine and human α-lactalbumins |
119. |
Uniform illumination of optically dense NMR samples |
118. |
Magnetic resonance imaging of a magnetic field-dependent chemical wave |
117. |
Photo-CIDNP NMR methods for studying protein folding |
116. |
Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on a radical recombination reaction: a diagnostic test for the Radical Pair Mechanism |
115. |
Electron self-exchange kinetics determined by MARY spectroscopy: theory and experiment |
114. |
Oxidative folding of Amaranthus α-amylase inhibitor: disulfide bond formation and conformational folding |
113. |
Chemically amplified 19F-1H nuclear Overhauser effects |
112. |
Cooperative and chromophore-regulated conformational changes in a phototropin LOV domain monitored by time-resolved NMR spectroscopy |
111. |
Anisotropic recombination of an immobilized photoinduced radical pair in a 50 μT magnetic field: a model avian photomagnetoreceptor |
110. |
Rapid sample-mixing technique for transient NMR and photo-CIDNP spectroscopy: applications to real-time protein folding |
109. |
Rapid formation of non-native contacts during the folding of HPr revealed by real-time photo-CIDNP NMR and stopped-flow fluorescence measurements |
108. |
Oxidative folding intermediates with non-native disulphide bridges between adjacent cysteine residues |
107. |
Probing the exposure of tyrosine and tryptophan residues in partially folded proteins and folding intermediates by CIDNP pulse-labelling |
106. |
An NMR method for studying the kinetics of metal exchange in biomolecular systems |
105. |
Mechanisms of reactions of flavin mononucleotide triplet with aromatic amino acids |
104. |
Low field CIDNP of amino acids and proteins: characterization of transient radicals and NMR sensitivity enhancement |
103. |
Time resolved CIDNP study of electron transfer reactions in proteins and model compounds |
102. |
Low field RYDMR: effects of orthogonal static and oscillating magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions |
101. |
Effects of surfactants on the photosensitised production of tyrosine radicals studied by photo-CIDNP |
100. |
Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on electron-hole recombination |
99. |
95 GHz ESEEM of radical pairs: a source of radical separations and relative orientations |
98. |
A zero-field electron spin resonance spectrometer for the study of transient radical ion pairs |
97. |
Model calculations of magnetic field effects on the recombination reactions of radicals with anisotropic hyperfine interactions |
96. |
Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on chemical reaction yields |
95. |
The effects of weak magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions in micelles |
94. |
Time-resolved CIDNP and laser flash photolysis of the photoreactions of N-acetyl histidine with 2,2´-dipyridyl in aqueous solution |
93. |
Improved photo-CIDNP methods for studying protein structure and folding |
92. |
NMR Principles |
91. |
Distance determination in spin-correlated radical pairs in photosynthetic reaction centres by electron spin echo envelope modulation |
90. |
Kinetics and mechanism of the photochemical reaction of 2,2´-dipyridyl with tryptophan in water: time-resolved CIDNP and laser flash photolysis study |
89. |
Two-dimensional 15N-1H photo-CIDNP as a surface probe of native and partially structured proteins |
88. |
Optically detected magnetic field effects on bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres measured with Rota-MARY spectroscopy |
87. |
The influence of very small magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions in the limit of slow recombination |
86. |
The nuts and bolts of distance determination and zero and double quantum coherence in photoinduced radical pairs |
85. |
Effects of weak magnetic fields on free radical recombination reactions |
84. |
Kinetic studies of protein folding using NMR spectroscopy |
83. |
Magnetic field effects on the recombination kinetics of radical pairs |
82. |
Spin-correlated radical pairs: microwave pulse effects on lifetimes, electron spin echo envelope modulations, and optimum conditions for detection by electron spin echo spectroscopy |
81. |
Recombination dynamics and EPR spectra of the primary radical pair in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres with blocked electron transfer to the primary acceptor |
80. |
Resonant radiofrequency magnetic field effects on a chemical reaction |
79. |
Stopped-flow photo-CIDNP observation of protein folding |
78. |
Sampling and the quantification of NMR data |
77. |
Radical pair kinetics in a magnetic field |
76. |
Optimal sampling strategies for the measurement of spin-spin relaxation times |
75. |
Transfer of spin correlation between radical pairs in the initial steps of photosynthetic energy conversion |
74. |
Magnetic interaction between QA.− and the triplet state of the primary donor in modified reaction centres of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 |
73. |
Oscillating magnetic field effects on the yields of radical pair reactions |
72. |
Electron paramagnetic resonance of the primary radical pair [D.+ΦA.−] in reaction centres of photosynthetic bacteria |
71. |
Selective data acquisition in NMR. The quantification of anti-phase scalar couplings |
70. |
Electron spin polarization of the oxidised primary electron donor in reaction centres of photosynthetic purple bacteria |
69. |
Angular and temperature dependence of linear dichroic magnetic field effects in photosynthetic reaction centres |
68. |
Following protein folding in real time using NMR spectroscopy |
67. |
Photo-CIDNP of amino acids and proteins: effects of competition for flavin triplets |
66. |
Optically detected magnetic field effects on reaction centres of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 and its Tyr M210 - Trp mutant |
65. |
Analytical theory of electron spin echo modulations in correlated radical pairs |
64. |
Magnetic field effects on chemical reaction yields arising from avoided level-crossings in molecular triplet states |
63. |
Optimising spatially localised NMR |
62. |
Tailored acquisition in chemical shift imaging |
61. |
QA binding in reaction centres of the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 investigated with electron spin polarisation spectroscopy |
60. |
Flip-angle effects in Fourier transform EPR spectra of spin-correlated radical pairs |
59. |
Photo-CIDNP of biopolymers |
58. |
Application of maximum entropy methods to three-dimensional NMR spectroscopy |
57. |
Analysis of COSY cross peaks by deconvolution of the active splittings |
56. |
Analysis of anisotropic electron spin polarization in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. Evidence that the sign of the exchange interaction in the primary radical pair is positive |
55. |
EPR of spin-correlated radical pairs. Analytical treatment of selective excitation including zero quantum coherence |
54. |
Suppression of artefacts in the phase-modulated rotating frame imaging experiment using the maximum entropy method |
53. |
Theory of EPR spectra of radical pairs diffusing on a spherical surface |
52. |
Electron spin polarization in photosynthetic bacteria. Anisotropic chemical reactivity |
51. |
Maximum entropy and nuclear magnetic resonance |
50. |
The maximum entropy method. Appearance and reality |
49. |
The maximum entropy method and Fourier transformation compared |
48. |
A photo-CIDNP study of denatured states of lysozyme |
47. |
Suppression of J cross-peaks in NOESY spectra by the maximum entropy method |
46. |
Analysis of polarized EPR spectra |
45. |
Analysis of the polarized EPR spectrum of Rhodobacter sphaeroides |
44. |
Solvent suppression |
43. |
Maximum entropy and NMR - a new approach |
42. |
The inverse problem for nuclear magnetic resonance |
41. |
Electron spin polarization in the donor triplet state of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres. II. Anisotropic inversion of electron spin polarization in a three-spin model reaction centre |
40. |
Cross relaxation in free radicals with chemically induced electron and nuclear polarization |
39. |
Resolution enhancement by non-linear processing, "HOGWASH" and the maximum entropy method |
38. |
EPR of spin-correlated radical pairs in photosynthetic reactions |
37. |
ESR of spin-correlated radical pairs |
36. |
Theoretical calculations of RYDMR effects in photosynthetic bacteria |
35. |
Computer-optimized solvent suppression |
34. |
Interpretation of the polarized EPR signal of plant Photosystem I |
33. |
Maximum entropy reconstruction of rotating frame zeugmatography data |
32. |
Lineshape analysis of polarized EPR spectra of the primary reactants of bacterial photosynthesis |
31. |
NMR data processing using the maximum entropy method |
30. |
Time domain ESR |
29. |
Flash photolysis NMR |
28. |
Spin exchange effects in radical pair CIDEP |
27. |
Electron spin polarization in a three-electron spin system. An application to bacterial photosynthesis |
26. |
Two-dimensional chemical shift correlation using water suppression pulses |
25. |
Solvent suppression in Fourier transform NMR |
24. |
A new method for water suppression in the proton NMR spectra of aqueous solutions |
23. |
Investigation by photo-CIDNP and NOE 1H NMR of the interaction between β-endorphin and phospholipid micelles |
22. |
An exception to the CIDNP sign rules |
21. |
Photo-CIDNP 1H NMR studies of bovine pancreatic phospholipase A2 and its zymogen |
20. |
1H NMR assignments and surface accessibility of tryptophan residues in lysozyme using photo-CIDNP spectroscopy |
19. |
Multiplet selection using multiple quantum coherence |
18. |
Photoreduction of flavin by NADH. A flash photolysis photo-CIDNP study |
17. |
A photo-CIDNP study of the active sites of Megasphaera Elsdenii and Clostridium MP flavodoxins. |
16. |
1H NMR assignments and connectivities of cytosines in lac operator DNA via double quantum coherence |
15. |
A photo-CIDNP investigation of tyrosine mobility and exposure in human β-endorphin in the presence of phospholipid micelles |
14. |
Multiplet selection in crowded 1H NMR spectra via double quantum coherence |
13. |
Cross relaxation effects in the photo-CIDNP spectra of amino acids and proteins |
12. |
Photo-CIDNP of biological molecules using continuous wave and time-resolved methods |
11. |
Flash photolysis NMR. CIDNP time-dependence in cyclic photochemical reactions |
10. |
A time resolved photo-CIDEP study of electron transfer in durosemiquinone radicals |
9. |
Time dependence of ESR intensities of spin polarized (CIDEP) transient radicals produced by flash photolysis |
8. |
Structure in time-resolved ESR spectra |
7. |
CIDEP in radicals undergoing electron transfer. A time-resolved flash photolysis ESR study |
6. |
The triplet mechanism of CIDEP. A vector model |
5. |
CIDEP studies by flash photolysis ESR |
4. |
CIDEP and spin relaxation measurements by flash photolysis EPR methods |
3. |
The role of CIDEP in Chemistry |
2. |
Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization |
1. |
Time resolved ESR study of spin-lattice relaxation in the radical anion of 2,3,5,6-tetraisopropylnitrobenzene |
This website was created by Chris Rodgers and updated by Peter Hore.